Finding a Male Infertility Specialist

Finding a Male Infertility Specialist

Introduction: Finding a Local Specialist in Male Infertility To Work With

Identifying a urologist who specializes in male infertility can sometimes be challenging. General urology training programs do not place much emphasis on male fertility problems, with the result that the majority of urologists are not familiar with the latest guidelines and techniques for managing male infertility. Some urologists choose to pursue advanced fellowship training in male infertility management (andrology), and most large metropolitan areas have at least one urologist who is fellowship-trained in male infertility. Patients who live in smaller communities may need to either travel to a larger nearby city to find a male fertility specialist or find a general urologist who has decided to learn more about the management of male fertility problems.

For couples who cannot find a nearby male fertility specialist, one option is to call a local IVF practice and see which urologist they refer their male patients to. If there is no nearby IVF practice, then try local ob-gyn practices; they often know which nearby urologists specialize in male fertility.

List of Male Infertility Specialists

This website has a state-by-state list of male infertility specialists as well as their contact information.  The listed specialists have completed advanced fellowship training in male infertility (andrology) and their location of fellowship training is also listed.  There are a few male infertility specialists who do not have fellowship training specified in their listing.  These are older experts who trained before most of the fellowship training programs had been established, and are responsible for establishing many of the fellowship training programs in the country.  

Please visit the "State Master" page on this website and click on the link to your state to find a local specialist in male infertility.  Of note, a few states do not currently have any fellowship-trained specialists.