Costs of Hormone Testing for Male Infertility

Costs of Hormone Testing for Male Infertility

Hormone testing is often covered by insurance.  This is because hormone problems can affect a man's general health in addition to their fertility potential, so most couples who have insurance will find it to be covered.  

There is an amazing variation in the cost of hormone testing between labs, and also even within specific labs themselves.  Some labs charges extremely high prices for certain labs and then give a discount (like 50%) if the patient does not have insurance and is paying out-of-pocket.  Labs also sometimes have special low contracted prices either with certain insurance companies, or even with certain medical practices for their patients.

It is definitely in the interest of couples to do some research to find labs with reasonable pricing for their hormone tests.  In the era of high-deductible policies, this is true even for couples who have health insurance.

The ICD-10 diagnosis code that I typically use for hormone testing is E29.1

Below is a list of hormone test costs from a few national labs- these are updated as of 2019.  

I have also included the CPT codes for the tests so that you can run them by your local lab and/or insurance company.

Cost of male infertility hormones